5 Replies to “Test – video”

  1. it’s strange !!! with chromium and firefox i see nothing but with old Opera i can see the video in your page and maybe in mine …. but for other member with firefox or chromium ? they can see or not ?

    ok i put the link and the video it’s ok with opera only

  2. I’ve been attempting to add a video to my blog post using the media manager in the Vivialdi word processor (it wont work–just shows the embed code) and the embed code provided by Youtube does the same. Anyone else having this problem? I am using Internet Explorer. I see sgunhouse it working. Any advice?

  3. I used the “Embed Video” button above the main toolbar and provided the URL from catse’s video. Of course the video didn’t show in the editor; I had to publish my post and hope it worked. No embed code from the site, just the actual URL of the page.

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