Do you matter?

I’m sure everyone has heard of that group “Black Lives Matter” and have some vague idea what they are about – or at least think they do. I know I thought I did.

Just about this time yesterday I had the radio on while I was getting ready to go to work. Talk radio, WLW out of Cincinnati – I’d actually prefer music but can only get country music where I am right now. Anyway, this guy called in to talk about cops killing black people (which everyone knows is what Black Lives Matter is about) when the discussion took a sudden turn and ended up somewhere in the twilight zone.

I don’t even remember what it was the host had just said, but the caller came back and said “Then tell me why black cops aren’t allowed to shoot white people.” He actually believes that black cops never shoot white people, and that there is some rule or policy somewhere that forbids it (and worse yet, that they would actually follow such a policy). Yeah, the host was completely lost on how to answer that.

Follow this through with me. He thinks he’s a second class citizen – or perhaps even not that good – and that white cops can kill him without any real repercussions while a black cop wouldn’t be allowed to shoot a Klansman or some white supremacist to defend his own life. Which means … we have a black president, but he’s really just a figurehead with no power. (I know there were some black people who thought Obama would change everything and suddenly blacks would be “the man” … but I was never “the man” so that just makes no sense.)

Honestly, I just can’t even get my head around it. I’d be tempted to say his biggest problem is the fact that he himself believes that he’ll never amount to anything (because he believes he isn’t allowed to). Of course, if he believes it, then he never will, but not because anyone other than himself is holding him back.

Sorry, can’t even figure out where to go from there.

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