Man on the road

I first saw it Tuesday night, when we were leaving the movie theater. At first glance it looked like it could be a garbage truck, though another look revealed it was some sort of small mobile home. Also it was a brand you don’t see on this continent – Man. I recognize it as a European truck maker, but couldn’t say where in Europe exactly – I have seen some British trucks with that brand name (in movies or pictures, not personally) but that doesn’t prove where they are made. It was dark though … I presumed the owners must be at the restaurant next to the theater, but that’s all I could say.

When I went to work the next morning they were parked in the Wal-mart parking lot. Getting a look at the back side, I saw a web address at about bumper level: Well, that answered one question – they were German tourists of some sort, but how they got a European brand of motorhome to Findlay – or why – was still something of a mystery. So of course I looked it up when I got home …

Apparently they are traveling North and South America – parts of their travel blog are images and thus don’t translate when you change languages. The last few comments have them heading West through New York then Ohio, but I didn’t look to see if they have an itinerary on there somewhere.

Being right along a major freeway, I’m used to tourists – even seen some cars with Alaska plates. And sometimes US cars with various E.U. decals on them. But this is the first time I’ve seen German plates, I think.